Listen to Nature to Save Humanity.

Nature is approaching a breaking point. The balance of our planet is critically threatened by human activities and climate change, affecting the entire food chain and putting our Earth’s fragile sustainability at serious risk.

The Sense of Silence Foundation contributes to resolving the “Human-Nature” conflict through a conciliatory approach: working for the conservation and regeneration of biodiversity while respecting current economic and social challenges. Developed over more than 20 years at the Applied Bioacoustics Laboratory (LAB) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC), and through more than 150 acoustic observatories integrating the most advanced artificial intelligence techniques, The Sense of Silence monitors soundscapes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on land and at sea. It identifies and analyzes all their components in real-time: animal sounds, human noises, and natural phenomena. It detects infractions, alerts governments and operators, and offers solutions tailored to each habitat, in close collaboration with local indigenous communities, the true guardians of biodiversity.

Already present in most of the oceans, the Amazon, tropical forests, and Asia, our technology has made it possible to establish the first global mapping of underwater noise pollution. Thanks to this information, the Foundation can initiate specific conservation programs worldwide. Listen to the Poles is a research initiative that stems from LIDO (Listen Deep Ocean, Listening to the deep ocean), an international effort to monitor marine biodiversity. Its mission is to understand the dynamic balance of the oceans through the analysis of their soundscapes and propose solutions to protect them, considering the multiple-scale impacts of Climate Change in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Studying their marine habitats to protect them from different activities such as the significant increase in Arctic exploration for oil and gas exploitation or the concerning rise of large cruise ships and freighters in Antarctica. It is necessary to anticipate understanding the polar biodiversity to protect it.


Length: 12 minutes
Directed by: José Bautista / Pepe Molina Cruz
Cinematography: Pepe Molina Cruz
Film Editing: José Bautista
Dolby Atmos Sound Design & Mixing: José Bautista